Saturday, September 13, 2008

Come On America. Get It Together!

One thing that bothers me perhaps more than anything else about our national elections is that voters generally lack enough sophistication to sort out truths and stay focused on the issues that are really relevant for us as Americans. I don't think of myself as a particularly smart guy, but I am amazed by how stupid and taken in some folks can be by campaign rhetoric and the media. I want great things for our country, the world, and my two children. Sometimes I fear we as a nation just don't have what it takes to pull ourselves out of the cesspool we have found ourselves in. That really saddens me. I appreciate the efforts of individuals and groups such as that really try and set the record straight when candidates from both sides are so quick to stretch and distort the truth. Sometimes we need a hard slap in the face. Come on America, get your sh*t together!

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